BeautyHive Membership

Your Personalized Beauty Savings Plan
Discover the benefits of the BeautyHive Membership, where you can save, bank, and enjoy exclusive discounts on all your favorite medical aesthetics sesrvices! Our membership offers three tiers designed to fit your needs, whether you’re just starting your beauty journey or are a seasoned beauty enthusiast.

Flexible Saving

Each month, your membership payment is added to your account as a credit, allowing you to save up for the treatments you love. 

Exclusive Discounts

As a member, you’ll enjoy special discounts on services and products, helping you get more value from every visit. 

Three Tiers to Choose From

Whether you want a little pampering or regular beauty treatments, there’s a tier that’s perfect for you. Choose the plan that fits your lifestyle, and start enjoying your savings right away!

Join BeautyHive today and start banking on beauty! Save up, spend smart, and indulge in the treatments that make you feel your best.

Terms & Conditions

  • Payment will be auto-drafted each month
  • Minimum 3 months of Membership
  • No hidden fees
  • Monthly payment is applied to Beauty Bank account
  • Monthly membership payments are used towards your services and products each month
  • Acceptance of program terms and conditions with permission to charge monthly payment to your credit card is needed to participate in the program


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